Let’s get started with an introduction of what an initramfs is, and then get into more technical stuff.
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The First Steps With Buildroot
This text contains instructions on how to get started with Buildroot and some first impressions from a long-time Yocto developer.
Continue reading...Building a Karaoke Machine with Linux and UltraStar
Lately, the blog posts here have been quite serious: TPMs, virtualization, integrity checks, etc. However, those things are not the best thing about computers.
Continue reading...Yocto Hardening: IMA and EVM
Let’s continue measuring where we left off, move from the bootloader side to the kernel world, and try out the IMA, integrity measurement subsystem in Linux.
Continue reading...Disabling Shell History File from BusyBox
Here are my tricks for disabling shell history files (~/.ash_history and ~/.hush_history) from BusyBox shells ash and hush.
Continue reading...Fuzzing Remote Targets with Syzkaller
This is the promised follow-up to my earlier Syzkaller text. This time I’ll show how to make Syzkaller work on an actual hardware that is not emulated.
Continue reading...Adding Key-Based SSH Authentication to Yocto
This text is supposed to be a quick crash course on the different keys used in SSH servers, and how to generate and use them in Yocto.
Continue reading...Fuzzing Yocto Kernel Modules with Syzkaller
As a follow-up to my black-box fuzzing text, I will present a more accurate approach to fuzzing using Syzkaller and grey-box fuzzing.
Continue reading...Raspberry Pi 4, LetsTrust TPM and Yocto
Getting LetsTrust TPM module working with Yocto was fairly simple but there were a few things I learned along the way that may be worth sharing.
Continue reading...Yocto Hardening: Measured Boot
So far we have mostly been focusing on hardening the kernel and userspace, but this time we will zoom out a bit and take a look at securing the entire system.
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