
Black-Box Fuzzing Kernel Modules in Yocto

It’s been almost ten years since I wrote my thesis. It was about guided fuzz testing, and as usual, I have done zero days of actual work related to the topic of my thesis. However, I was feeling nostalgic one day and thought that I’d fire up a good ol’ fuzzer and see what I could do with it. In the end, not much. But it was fun to try to break something and relive the golden days of my youth.

To shake things up a bit, this time I tried fuzzing a Linux kernel module in a Yocto image, because it seems that I just can’t help but cram Yocto into every blog post I write. But let’s start from the beginning.

What Is Fuzzing?

Fuzzing is a type of testing where more or less broken input is used to check how a program behaves in unexpected situations. Usually, the process consists of collecting input samples, good or bad, running them through a fuzzer that does “something” to the sample, and then feeding this mystery sample to the program being tested. Well-behaving programs handle the erroneus input gracefully, but the badly behaving programs may hang, crash, or even worse, use the bad input like nothing is wrong.

Fuzz testing can be subcategorized into a few different groups: black-box, grey-box and white-box fuzzing. In black-box fuzzing there is no knowledge of the internals of the program, and no test feedback is used to guide the fuzzer. On the other hand, when using the white-box fuzzing the full knowledge of the program flow and protocols is available. In grey-box, there is no “deep” knowledge of the program, but for example code coverage may be used to guide the fuzzer.

As one can guess, a black-box fuzzer is the simplest to set up, but generally it is inefficient. White-box fuzzing is the opposite, where the initial effort may not even be worth it in the end. Grey-box, once again, lands somewhere in the middle. The instrumentation and feedback may require some effort, but it is (usually) worth it in the form of improved results.

Fuzzing on Embedded Target

Even though fuzzing can reveal some fascinating bugs, it’s worth noting that performing fuzzing on an embedded device may not always be a good idea. Usually, the efficiency of the fuzzing is directly proportional to the amount of tests being run per second. “Real” computers tend to be more powerful, resulting in more tests getting churned out compared to the embedded systems. The requirement for speed is especially true for black-box fuzzing which is basically brute forcing bugs out of the system. Therefore, you may want to consider fuzzing high-level application code on a more powerful computer, or in a virtualized environment to reveal more complex issues.

Fuzzing on the actual hardware makes the most sense in the following scenarios:

  • The code you’re testing relies on some architecture-specific functionality
  • The code relies on some hardware functionality that cannot be easily simulated
  • The hardware can generate samples and run target programs with “tolerable” efficiency
  • You want to do a quick smoke test type of fuzzing run

However, despite trying to talk you out of fuzzing on the target HW, I personally think it’s a good idea to give a quick black-box fuzzing session at least a try. It can reveal some low-hanging bugs, and setting up a black-box fuzzer takes little to no effort. Just be aware of the limitations, and the fact that it’s not going to be as efficient as it could.

Sometimes the bugs look for you though. Like ants at the picnic.

Finally, it’s worth knowing that things can go really wrong with fuzzing, so consider the potential risks, and if there’s a possibility of some hardware breaking. It’s usually unlikely, but aggressively fuzzing for example a poorly written device driver can result in bricking.


There are plenty of black-box fuzzers available for various purposes. Protocol fuzzers, web-app fuzzers, cloud fuzzers, etc. In this example, I’m using Radamsa. It’s a generic command line fuzzer that is simple to use yet it is fairly powerful. Not coincidentally, I also used it 10 years ago when writing my thesis.

Radamsa takes input either from stdin or from a file, and outputs fuzz either to stdout or to a file. This can then either be piped to the tested program, or the tested program can be instructed to open the file. Radamsa can also act as a TCP client or server, but I haven’t tried either of those so I can’t comment much on that. You can read more about Radamsa from it’s git repo.

The program is written in Owl Lisp, which gets translated into C, so the cross-compilation is quite straightforward once the Owl Lisp is set up. Because we don’t have to do any compilation time instrumentation for grey-box fuzzing guidance, the steps to build the fuzzer and the testable software are quite simple. The testable software in our case is going to be a kernel module. We still want to do some error instrumentation that will be covered in the next chapter, but since we’re fuzzing in kernel, it’s easier than one would guess (for once).

The Yocto recipe for building Radamsa can be found from meta-fuzzing repo I made to accompany this blog text.


Breaking stuff with no consideration is rude. Breaking stuff and analyzing the results can be considered science. Therefore, to get something useful out of the fuzzing efforts we should figure out how to get as much information as possible from the system when it’s being bombarded. While black-box fuzzing doesn’t really need instrumentation, it makes fuzzing a lot more useful when we can detect more errors.

So, usually with all types of fuzzing some amount of compile-time instrumentation is used. This allows injecting extra code into the compiled binaries that may prove useful information when things start going wrong. A commonly used tool for this is AddressSanitizer (ASAN) and its fellow sanitizers. AddressSanitizer is a memory error detector that can detect things like use-after-frees, buffer overflows, and double-frees. As the nature of these bugs implies, it’s meant for C and C++ programs.

Sometimes I think I deserve happiness

Of course, this comes with a price. On average, AddressSanitizer tends to slow down the programs 2x. Who would have guessed that injecting code into binaries has some side effects? For debugging purposes, this is still usually acceptable.

The best part of the AddressSanitizer is that it’s readily available in the Linux kernel! To enable KernelAddressSanitizer KASAN, all that needs to be done is to set two configuration flags:


You can read more about the different KASAN modes from the KASAN documentation, but in summary, generic is the heaviest, but also the most compatible mode. There are faster modes, but they may be architecture and compiler specific. After enabling these flags, we can detect memory errors not only in the kernel but also in the modules we are building for that kernel.

Linux also has undefined behaviour sanitizer (UBSAN), Kernel concurrency sanitizer (KCSAN), and Kernel memory leak detector (no fun acronym), but let’s leave them out for now. They can be enabled similarly by toggling configuration flags, so no special work is needed from the driver side.

Example Module

To have something to fuzz, I wrote a simple Linux kernel module (with help from ChatGPT). The module creates two sysfs files, one that takes input and one that gives output. Anything written to the first file can be read from the second file. This allows passing data from user space to kernel space, and is a suitable input surface for fuzzing. sysfs interface isn’t maybe the most interesting one, because there is some processing that happens before the input written by user ends up in the kernel module, but it’s a simple test for verifying that the set-up works.

The code for this module can be found in meta-fuzzing repo as well.

Putting It All Together

Rest of the stuff is quite simple. If you’re using Yocto, add the meta-fuzzing layer to your Yocto build, add the kernel configuration into your kernel config, and install Radamsa (and the test module) to the image. If you’re using something else, then you do the same things but with a different system. Then, run the image, log into it, and run the following:

echo test | radamsa

Most likely something other than test gets printed. If not, give it a few more tries. If the output doesn’t look like t ejSt after a few tries something may be wrong.

To fuzz the actual test kernel module, you can run the following:

modprobe sysfs_attribute_echo
while true
  do cat /sys/kernel/sysfs_attribute_echo/output | radamsa > /sys/kernel/sysfs_attribute_echo/input

This probes the module, and then in a neverending loop reads the output from the kernel module, fuzzes it and passes it back to the input file. As an example of the sample file-based fuzzing, check this out:

mkdir /tmp/samples
echo aaa > /tmp/samples/sample-1
echo bbb > /tmp/samples/sample-2
echo ccc > /tmp/samples/sample-3
while true
  do radamsa -n 1 /tmp/samples/* > /sys/kernel/sysfs_attribute_echo/input

We create three sample files, and fuzz randomly one of them. Radamsa can output the fuzzed data into a file, but we still use stdout to send it to the kernel module. The samples in this case are quite trivial, but with more interesting sample files it would be possible to generate quite exotic fuzzed data.

For example, fuzzing a picture of “exotic beach” may result in something like this.

Does this find bugs from our module or kernel? No. Or at least it is highly unlikely. The kernel module itself is simple, and shouldn’t contain bugs (famous last words). Or, if there’s a bug, it’s either in the Linux kernel sysfs or kstrdup functions and those are already quite extensively tested (more famous last words). Unless there’s a regression of course.

However, this script demonstrates one admittedly simple approach of passing fuzzed data into the kernel space. The parsing of the data could be more exciting in a more complex module, which could in turn lead to actual bugs.

Closing Words

That’s all for this time. As shown here, the whole black-box fuzzing of the kernel can be straightforward. As mentioned about a dozen times in this text, the example was quite simple but demonstrates the point. The same ideas apply to more complex setups as well. The advantage of the black-box fuzzing is that it is easy to set up, so I recommend giving it a go and seeing what happens. Hopefully something exciting!

Yocto Emulation: Setting Up QEMU with TPM

As promised, it’s time for the QEMU follow-up. Last time we got Yocto’s runqemu command to launch u-boot, boot up a kernel, and mount a virtual drive with multiple partitions. Quite a lot of stuff. This time we are “just” going to add a TPM device to the virtual machine. As before, you can find the example meta-layer from Github. It contains the example snippets presented in this blog text, and should be ready to use.

Why is this virtualized TPM worth the effort? Well, if you have ever been in a painful situation where you’re working with TPMs and you’re writing some scripts or programs using them, you know that the development is not as straightforward as one would hope. The flows tend to be confusing, frustrating, and difficult. Using a virtual environment that’s easy to reset and that’s quite close to the actual hardware is a nice aid for developing and testing these types of applications.

In a nutshell, the idea is to run swtpm TPM emulator on the host machine, and then launch QEMU Arm device emulator that talks with the swtpm process. QEMU has an option for a TPM device that can be passed through to the guest device, so the process is fairly easy. With these systems in place, we can have a virtual TPM chip inside the virtual machine. *insert yo dawg meme here*

TPM Emulation With swtpm

Because I’m terrible at explaining things understandably, I’m going to ask my co-author ChatGPT to summarise in one paragraph what a TPM is:

Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a hardware-based security feature integrated into computer systems to provide a secure foundation for various cryptographic functions and protect sensitive data. TPM securely stores cryptographic keys, certificates, and passwords, ensuring they remain inaccessible to unauthorized entities. It enables secure boot processes, integrity measurement, and secure storage of credentials, enhancing the overall security of computing devices by thwarting attacks such as tampering, unauthorized access, and data breaches.

I’m not sure if this is easier to understand than my ramblings, but I guess it makes the point clear. It’s a hardware chip that can be used to store and generate secrets. One extra thing worth knowing is that there are two notable versions of the TPM specification: 1.2 and 2.0. When I’m talking about TPM in this blog text, I mean TPM 2.0.

Since we’re using emulated hardware, we don’t have the “hardware” part in the system. Well, QEMU has a passthrough option for hardware TPMs, but for development purposes it’s easier to have an emulated TPM, something that swtpm can be used for. Installing swtpm is straightforward, as it can be found in most of the package repositories. For example, on Ubuntu, you can just run:

sudo apt install swtpm

Building swtpm is also an option. It has quite a few dependencies though, so you may want to consider just fetching the packages. Sometimes taking the easy route is allowed.

Whichever option you choose, once you’re ready you can run the following commands to set up the swtpm and launch the swtpm process:

mkdir /tmp/mytpm1
swtpm_setup --tpmstate /tmp/mytpm1 \
  --create-ek-cert \
  --create-platform-cert \
  --create-spk \
  --tpm2 \
swtpm socket --tpmstate dir=/tmp/mytpm1 \
  --ctrl type=unixio,path=/tmp/mytpm1/swtpm-sock \
  --tpm2 \
  --log level=20

Once the process launches, it opens a Unix domain socket that listens to the incoming connections. It’s worth knowing that the process gets launched as a foreground job, and once a connected process exits swtpm exits as well. Next, we’re going to make QEMU talk with the swtpm daemon.


Fortunately, making QEMU communicate with TPM isn’t anything groundbreaking. There’s a whole page of documentation dedicated to this topic, so we’re just going to follow it. For Arm devices, we want to pass the following additional parameters to QEMU:

-chardev socket,id=chrtpm,path=/tmp/mytpm1/swtpm-sock \
-tpmdev emulator,id=tpm0,chardev=chrtpm \
-device tpm-spapr,tpmdev=tpm0 \

These parameters should result in the QEMU connecting to the swtpm, and using the emulated software TPM as a TPM in the emulated machine. Simple as.

One thing worth noting though. Since we’re adding a new device to the virtual machine, the device tree changes as well. Therefore, we need to dump the device tree again. This was discussed more in-depth in the first part of this emulation exercise, so I recommend reading that. In summary, you can dump the device tree with the following runqemu command:

BIOS=tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm-uboot/u-boot.bin \
runqemu \
core-image-base nographic wic.qcow2 \
qemuparams="-chardev socket,id=chrtpm,path=/tmp/mytpm1/swtpm-sock \
-tpmdev emulator,id=tpm0,chardev=chrtpm \
-device tpm-tis-device,tpmdev=tpm0 \
-machine dumpdtb=qemu.dtb"

Then, you need to move the dumped binary to a location where it can get installed to the boot partition as a part of the Yocto build. This was also discussed in the first blog text.

TPM2.0 Software Stack

Configuring Yocto

Now that we have the virtualized hardware in order, it’s time to get the software part sorted out. Yocto has a meta-layer that contains security features and programs. That layer is aptly named meta-security. To add the TPM-related stuff into the firmware image, add sub-layer meta-tpm to bblayers.conf. meta-tpm has dependencies to meta-openembedded sub-layers meta-oe and meta-python, so add those as well.

Once the layers are added, we still need to configure the build a bit. The following should be added to your distro.conf, or if you don’t have one, local.conf should suffice:

DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " tpm"

Configuring Linux Kernel

Next, to get the TPM device working together with Linux, we need to configure the kernel. First of all, the TPM feature needs to be enabled, and then the driver for our emulated chip needs to be added. If you were curious enough to decompile the QEMU device tree binary, you maybe noticed that the emulated TPM device is compatible with tcg,tpm-tis-mmio. Therefore, we don’t need a specific driver, the generic tpm-tis driver should do. The following two config lines both enable TPM and add the driver:


If you’re wondering what TCG means, it stands for Trusted Computing Group, the organization that has developed the TPM standard. TIS on the other hand stands for TPM Interface Specification. There are a lot of TLAs here that begin with the letter T, and we haven’t even seen all of them yet.

Well, here’s the yo dawg meme.

Configuring U-Boot

Configuring TPM support for U-Boot is quite simple. Actually, the U-Boot I built worked straight away with the defconfig. However, if you have issues with TPM in U-Boot, you should ensure that you have the following configuration items enabled:

# Enable TPM 2.0
# Add MMIO interface for device
# Add TPM command
# This should be enabled automatically if
# CMD_TPM and TPM_V2 are enabled

Installing tpm2-tools

In theory, we now should have completed the original goal of booting a Yocto image on an emulator that has a virtual TPM. However, there’s still nothing that uses the TPM. To add plenty of packages, tpm2-tools among them, we can add the following to the image configuration:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " \
    packagegroup-security-tpm2 \
    libtss2-tcti-device \

packagegroup-security-tpm2 contains the following packages:


For our testing purposes, we are mostly interested in tpm2-tools and tpm2-tss, and libtss2 that tpm2-tools requires. TSS here stands for TPM2 Software Stack. trousers is an older implementation of the stack, tpm2-abrmd (=access broker & resource manager daemon) didn’t work for me (and AFAIK using a kernel-managed device is preferred anyway), and PKCS#11 isn’t required for our simple example. libtss2-tcti-device is required to enable a TCTI (TPM Command Transmission Interface) for communication with Linux kernel TPM device files. These are the last acronyms, so now you can let out a sigh of relief.

Running QEMU

Now you can rebuild the image to compile a suitable kernel and user-space tools. Once the build finishes, you can use the following command to launch QEMU (ensure that swtpm is running):

BIOS=tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm-uboot/u-boot.bin \
runqemu \
core-image-base nographic wic.qcow2 \
qemuparams="-chardev socket,id=chrtpm,path=/tmp/mytpm1/swtpm-sock \
-tpmdev emulator,id=tpm0,chardev=chrtpm \
-device tpm-tis-device,tpmdev=tpm0"

Then, stop the booting process to drop into the U-Boot terminal. We wrote the boot script in the previous blog, but now we can add tpm2 commands to initialize and self-test the TPM. The first three commands of this complete boot script set-up and self-test the TPM:

# Initalize TPM
tpm2 init
tpm2 startup TPM2_SU_CLEAR
tpm2 self_test full
# Set boot arguments for the kernel
setenv bootargs root=/dev/vda2 console=ttyAMA0
# Load kernel image
setenv loadaddr 0x40200000
fatload virtio 0:1 ${loadaddr} zImage
# Load device tree binary
setenv loadaddr_dtb 0x49000000
fatload virtio 0:1 ${loadaddr_dtb} qemu.dtb
# Boot the kernel
bootz ${loadaddr} - ${loadaddr_dtb}

Now, once the machine boots up, you should see /dev/tpm0 and /dev/tpmrm0 devices present in the system. tpm0 is a direct access device, and tpmrm0 is a device using the kernel’s resource manager. The latter of these is the alternative to tpm2-abrmd, and we’re going to be using it for a demo.

TPM Demo

Before we proceed, I warn you that my knowledge of actual TPM usage is a bit shallow. So, the example presented here may not necessarily follow the best practices, but it should perform a simple task that should prove that the QEMU TPM works. We are going to create a key, store it in the TPM, sign a file and verify the signature. When you’ve got the device booted with the swtpm running in the background, you can start trying out these commands:

# Set environment variable for selecting TPM device
# instead of the abrmd.
export TPM2TOOLS_TCTI="device:/dev/tpmrm0"
# Create contexts
tpm2_createprimary -C e -c primary.ctx
tpm2_create -G rsa -u rsa.pub -r rsa.priv -C primary.ctx
# Load and store contexts
tpm2_load -C primary.ctx -u rsa.pub -r rsa.priv -c rsa.ctx
tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c primary.ctx 0x81010002
tpm2_evictcontrol -C o -c rsa.ctx 0x81010003
# Remove generated files and create message
rm rsa.pub rsa.priv rsa.ctx primary.ctx
echo "my message" > message.dat
# Sign and verify signature with TPM handles
tpm2_sign -c 0x81010003 -g sha256 -o sig.rssa message.dat
tpm2_verifysignature -c 0x81010003 -g sha256 -s sig.rssa -m message.dat

If life goes your way, all the commands should succeed without issues and you can create and verify the signature using the handles in the TPM. Usually, things aren’t that simple. If you see errors related to abrmd, you may need to define the TCTI as the tpmrm0 device. The TPM2TOOLS_TCTI environment variable should do that. However, if that doesn’t work you can try adding -T "device:/dev/tpmrm0" to the tpm2_* commands, so for example the first command looks like this:

tpm2_createprimary -C e -c primary.ctx -T "device:/dev/tpmrm0"

When running the tpm2_* commands, you should see swtpm printing out plenty of information. This information includes requests and responses received and sent by the daemon. To make some sense of these hexadecimal dumps, you can use tpmstream tool.

That should wrap up my texts about QEMU, Yocto and TPM. Hopefully, these will help you set up a QEMU device that has a TPM in it. I also hope that in the long run this setup helps you to develop and debug secure Linux systems that utilize TPM properly. Perhaps I’ll write more about TPMs in the future, it was quite difficult to find understandable sources and examples utilizing its features. But maybe first I’d need to understand the TPMs a bit better myself.

Yocto Emulation: Setting Up QEMU with U-Boot

I’ve been thinking about the next topic for the Yocto Hardening blog series, and it’s starting to feel like the easy topics are running out. Adding and using non-root users, basic stuff. Running a tool to check kernel configuration, should be simple enough. Firewalls, even your grandma knows what a firewall is.

So, I started to look into things like encryption and secure boot, but turns out they are quite complicated topics. Also, they more or less require a TPM (Trusted Platform Module), and I don’t have a board with such a chip. And even if I did, it’d be more useful to have flexible hardware for future experiments. And for writing blog texts that can be easily followed along it’d be beneficial if that hardware would be easily available for everyone.

Hardware emulation sounds like a solution to all of these problems. Yocto provides a script for using QEMU (Quick EMUlator) in the form of runqemu wrapper. However, by default that script seems to just boot up the kernel and root file system using whatever method QEMU considers the best (depending on the architecture). Also, runqemu passes just the root file system partition as a single drive to the emulator. Emulating a device with a bootloader and a partitioned disk image is a bit tricky thing to do, but that’s exactly what we’re going to do in this text. In the next part we’re going to throw a TPM into the mix, but for now, let’s focus on the basics.

Configuring the Yocto Build

Before we start, I’ll say that you can find a meta-layer containing the code presented here from GitHub. So if you don’t want to copy-paste everything, you can clone the repo. It’ll contain some more features in the future but the basic functionality created in this blog text should be present in the commit cf4372a.

Machine Configuration

To start, we’re going to define some variables related to the image being built. To do that, we will define our machine configuration that is an extension of a qemuarm configuration:

require conf/machine/qemuarm.conf

# Use the same overrides as qemuarm machine
MACHINEOVERRIDES:append = ":qemuarm"

# Set the required entrypoint and loadaddress
# These are usually 00008000 for Arm machines
UBOOT_ENTRYPOINT =       "0x00008000"
UBOOT_LOADADDRESS =      "0x00008000"

# Set the imagetype
# Set kernel loaddaddr, should match the one u-boot uses

# Add wic.qcow2 image that can be used by QEMU for drive image
IMAGE_FSTYPES:append = " wic.qcow2"

# Add wks file for image partition definition
WKS_FILE = "qemu-test.wks"

# List artifacts in deploy dir that we want to be in boot partition
IMAGE_BOOT_FILES = "zImage qemu.dtb"

# Ensure things get deployed before wic builder tries to access them
do_image_wic[depends] += " \
    u-boot:do_deploy \
    qemu-devicetree:do_deploy \

# Configure the rootfs drive options. Biggest difference to original is
# format=qcow2, in original the default format is raw
QB_ROOTFS_OPT = "-drive id=disk0,file=@ROOTFS@,if=none,format=qcow2 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=disk0"

Drive Image Configuration with WIC

Once that is done, we can write the wks file that’ll guide the process that creates the wic image. wic image can be considered as a drive image with partitions and such. Writing wks files is worth a blog text of its own, but here’s the wks file I’ve been using that creates a drive containing two partitions:

part /boot --source bootimg-partition --ondisk vda --fstype=vfat --label boot --active --align 1024
part / --source rootfs --use-uuid --ondisk vda --fstype=ext4 --label platform --align 1024

The first partition is a FAT boot partition where we will store the kernel and device tree so that the bootloader can load them. Second is the ext4 root file system, containing all the lovely binaries Yocto spends a long time building.

Device Tree

We have defined the machine and the image. The only thing that is still missing is the device tree. The device tree defines the hardware of the machine in a tree-like format and should be passed to the kernel by the bootloader. QEMU generates a device tree on-the-fly, based on the parameters passed to it. The generated device tree binary can be dumped by adding -machine dumpdtb=qemu.dtb to the QEMU command. With runqemu, you can use the following command to pass the parameter:

runqemu core-image-base nographic wic.qcow2 qemuparams="-machine dumpdtb=qemu.dtb"

However, here we have a circular dependency. The image depends on the qemu-devicetree recipe to deploy the qemu.dtb, but runqemu cannot be run without an image, so the image needs to built to dump the device tree. To sort this out, remove the qemu-devicetree dependency from the machine configuration, build once, and dump the device tree. Then re-enable the dependency.

After this, you can give the device tree binary to a recipe and deploy it from there. Or you could maybe decompile it to a source file, and then re-compile the source as a part of kernel build to do things “correctly”. I was lazy and just wrote a recipe that deploys the binary:

SUMMARY = "QEMU device tree binary"
DESCRIPTION = "Recipe deploying the generated QEMU device tree binary blob"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"

SRC_URI = "file://qemu.dtb"

inherit deploy

do_deploy() {
    install -d ${DEPLOYDIR}
    install -m 0664 ${WORKDIR}/*.dtb ${DEPLOYDIR}

addtask do_deploy after do_compile before do_build

Once that is done, you should be able to build the image. I recommend checking out the meta-layer repo if you found this explanation confusing. I’m using core-image-base as the image recipe, but you should be able to use pretty much any image, assuming it doesn’t overwrite variables in machine configuration.

Setting up QEMU

Running runqemu

We should now have an image that contains everything needed to emulate a boot process: it has a bootloader, a kernel and a file system. We just need to get the runqemu to play along nicely. To start booting from the bootloader, we want to pass the bootloader as a BIOS for QEMU. Also, we need to load the wic.qcow2 file instead of the rootfs.ext4 as the drive source so that we have the boot partition present for the bootloader. All this can be achieved with the following command:

BIOS=tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm-uboot/u-boot.bin runqemu core-image-base nographic wic.qcow2

nographic isn’t mandatory if you’re running in an environment that has visual display capabilities. To this day I still don’t quite understand how the runqemu argument parsing works, even though I tried going through the script source. It simultaneously feels like it’s very picky about the order of the parameters, and that it doesn’t matter at all what you pass and at what position. But at least the command above works.

Booting the Kernel

If things go well, you should be greeted with the u-boot log. If you’re quick, spam any key to stop the boot, and if you’re not, spam Ctrl-C to stop bootloader’s desperate efforts of TFTP booting. I’m not 100% sure why the default boot script fails to load the kernel, I think the boot script doesn’t like the boot partition being a FAT partition on a virtio interface. To be honest, I would have been more surprised if the stock script would have worked out of the box. However, what works is the script below:

# Set boot arguments for the kernel
setenv bootargs root=/dev/vda2 console=ttyAMA0
# Load kernel image
setenv loadaddr 0x40200000
fatload virtio 0:1 ${loadaddr} zImage
# Load device tree binary
setenv loadaddr_dtb 0x49000000
fatload virtio 0:1 ${loadaddr_dtb} qemu.dtb
# Boot the kernel
bootz ${loadaddr} - ${loadaddr_dtb}

This script does exactly what the comments say: it loads the two artefacts from the boot partition and boots the board. We don’t have an init RAM disk, so we skip the second parameter of bootz. I also tried to create a FIT (firmware image tree) image with uImage to avoid having multiple boot files in the boot partition. Unfortunately, that didn’t quite work out. Loading the uImage got the device stuck with a nefarious "Starting kernel ..." message for some reason.

Back to the task at hand: if things went as they should have, the kernel should boot with the bootz, and eventually you should be dropped to the kernel login prompt. You can run mount command to see that the boot partition gets mounted, and cat /proc/cmdline to check that vda2 indeed was the root device that was used.

Closing Words And What’s Next

Congratulations! You got the first part of the QEMU set-up done. The second half with the TPM setup will follow soon. The example presented here could be improved in a few ways, like by adding a custom boot script for u-boot so that the user doesn’t have to input the script manually to boot the device, and by getting that darn FIT image working. But those will be classified as “future work” for now. Until next time!

The second part where the TPM gets enabled is out now!

My First Plug-In: Pastel Distortion

It’s time to finish a project. Lately, I have been mostly interested in embedded tinkering, but I’m also fascinated by audio and DSP programming. Partially because it is an interesting field, but mostly because I make music as a hobby so it’s interesting to see how the virtual instruments and audio effects work. So, in this text I’m presenting my first full-fledged and complete VST plug-in, Pastel Distortion. In a way it’s my second plug-in, as I used to make Delayyyyyy plug-in (that’s mentioned in some older texts of this blog as well), but that project has been abandoned in a state that I can’t quite call complete. However, here’s a screenshot of something that I actually have completed:


In short, VST plug-ins are software used in music production. They create and modify the sound based on the information they’re given by the VST host, that is usually a digital audio workstation. Plug-ins are commonly chained together so that one plug-in’s output is connected to the next one’s input. This is all done real-time, while the music is playing.

There will be free downloads at the end, but first, let’s go through the history of the project, some basic theory, and a six-paragraph subchapter that I like to call “I’m not sponsored by JUCE, but I should be”.

History of the Project

About two and a half years ago I started working on a distortion VST plug-in following this tutorial. Half a year after that, I got distracted when I thought about testing the plug-in (which resulted in this blog text and my first conference talk). As a side note, it may tell something about the development process and schedule when testing is “thought about” six months after starting the project. A year after that I got a Macbook for Macing Mac builds and got distracted by the new shiny laptop. And some time after that I made some overenthusiastic plans for the plug-in that didn’t quite come to reality and then I forgot to develop the plug-in.

The timeline is almost as confusing as Marvel Multiverse and full of delays, detours and time loops. In the end, I’ve just come to a conclusion that I’ll release this Pastel Distortion as it is, and add the new cool features later on if there’s interest in the plug-in. If there’s no interest, I can start working on a new plug-in, so it’s a win-win situation. But let’s finish this first.

What Is Waveshaping Distortion?

The Physics

In the real world that surrounds us all, sound is a change of pressure in a medium. Our ears then receive these changes of pressure and turn them into some sort of electricity in the brain. In short, it’s magic, that’s the best way I can explain it. To translate this into the world of computers, a microphone receives changes of pressure in air and converts them into changes in electricity that an analogue-to-digital converter then turns into ones and zeros understood by a computer. Magic, but of a slightly different kind.

I asked AI to generate an infographic for this section. Hopefully this helps you to understand.

After this transformation, we can process the analogue sound in the digital domain, and then convert it back into an analogue signal and play it out from speakers. Commonly the pressure/voltage changes get mapped into numbers between some range. One common range is [-1.0, 1.0]. -1.0 and 1.0 represent the extreme pressure changes where the microphone’s diaphragm is at its limit positions (=receiving loud sound), while the value of 0 is the position where it receives no pressure (receiving= silence).

Well, I also tried drawing the information myself. I’m not sure which one is better.

The Maths

Now we’ve established what sound is. But what is waveshaping distortion? You can think of it as a function that gets applied to the sampled values. Let’s take an example function that does not actually do any shaping, y=x:

This is quite possibly the dullest shaping function. It takes x as an input, and returns it. However, this is in theory what waveshaping does. It takes the input samples from -1.0 to 1.0, puts them into mathematical function, and uses output for new samples. Let’s take another example, y=sign(x):

This takes an input sample and outputs one of the extreme values. You can emulate this effect by turning up the gain of a microphone, shoving the mic in your mouth, and screaming as loud as possible. It’s not really a nice effect. Finally, let’s take a look at a useful function, y=sqrt(x) where x >= 0, y=-sqrt(-x) where x < 0:

Finally, we get a function that does something but isn’t too extreme. This will create a sound that’s more pronounced because the quieter samples get amplified. Or, in other words, values get mapped further away from zero. The neat part is that the waveshaper function can be pretty much anything. It can be a simple square root curve like here. It also can be a quartic equation combined with all of the trigonometric functions (assuming your processor can calculate it fast enough). Maybe it doesn’t sound good, but it’s possible.

But Why Bother?

It’s always a good idea to think why something is done. Why would I want to use my precious processor time to calculate maths when I could be playing DOOM instead? As an engineer, I’m not 100% sure, I think it has something to do with psychoacoustics which is a field of science of which I know nothing about and to be honest it sounds a bit made up. From a music producer’s point of view, I can say that distortion effects make the sound have more character, warmth, and loudness (and other vague adjectives which don’t mean anything), so it’s a good thing.

Implementing the Distortion

I have talked about JUCE earlier in this blog, but I think that’s been so long ago that it’s forgotten. So I’ll summarize it shortly again. It’s a framework for creating audio software. It handles input and output routing, VST interfacing, user interface, and all that other boring stuff so that we can focus on what we actually want to do: making the computer go bleep-bloop.

The actual method of audio signal processing may vary between different types of projects. For a VST audio effect like this, there usually is a processBlock function that receives an input buffer periodically. It is then your duty as a plug-in developer to do whatever you want with that input buffer and fill it with values that you deem correct. Doing all this in a reasonable amount of CPU time, of course.

In this Pastel Distortion plug-in, we receive an input buffer filled with values ranging from -1.0 to 1.0, and then we feed those samples to the waveshaping function and replace the buffer contents with the newly calculated values. Sounds simple, and to be honest, that’s exactly what it is because JUCE does most of the heavy work.

JUCE has a ProcessorChain template class that can be filled with various effects to process the audio. There’s a WaveShaper processor, to which you simply give the mathematical function you want it to perform, and the rest is done almost automatically! As you can guess, the plug-in uses that. In the plug-in there are also some filters, EQs, and compressors to tame the distorted signal a bit more because the distortion can start to sound really ugly really quickly. That doesn’t mean that you can’t create ugly sounds with Pastel Distortion, quite the contrary.

The life of a designer is a life of fight: fight against the ugliness

Another great feature of JUCE is that it has a graphics library built-in. It’s especially good in a sense that an embedded developer like me can create a somewhat professional-looking user interface, even though I usually program small devices where the only human-computer interaction methods are a power switch and a two-colour LED. Although I have to admit, most of the development time went into making the user interface. You wouldn’t believe the amount of hours that went into drawing these little swirls next to the knobs.

Honestly, it was pure luck that I managed to get these things looking even remotely correct. The best part is that in the end they’re barely even visible.

All in all, Pastel Distortion is a completed plug-in that I think is quite polished (at least considering the usual standards for my projects). There’s the distortion effect of course, but in addition to that there’s tone control to shape the distortion and output signal, a dry-wet mixer for blending the distorted and clean signal, and multiple waveshape functions to choose from. Besides GUI, I also spent quite a lot of time tweaking the distortion parameters, so hopefully that effort can be heard in the final product.

There’s still optimization that could be done, but the performance is in fairly good shape already. At least compared to the FL Studio stock distortion plug-in Disructor it seems to have about the same CPU usage. Disructor averages at around 8%, while Pastel Distortion averages at 9%. Considering the fact that my previous delay plug-in used about 20% I consider this a great success. This good number is most likely a result of the optimizations in JUCE and not because of my programming genius.

But enough talk, let’s get to the interesting stuff. How to try this thing out?

Getting Pastel Distortion

Obtaining Pastel Distortion plug-in is quite easy. Just click this link to go to the Gumroad page where you can get it. And if you’re quick, you can get it for free! The plug-in costs $0 until the end of February 2024. After that you can get the demo version for free to try it out, or if you ask me I can generate some sort of a discount code for it (I’d like to get feedback on the product in exchange for the discount).

If you don’t want to download Pastel Distortion but want to see it in action, check out the video below. I put all the skills I’ve learned from Windows Movie Maker and years of using Ableton into this one:

That’s all this time. I’ve already started working on the next plug-in, let’s hope that it won’t take another two and a half years. Maybe the next text will be out sooner than that when I get something else ready that’s worth writing about. I’ve been building a Raspberry Pi Pico-based gadget lately, and it got a bit out of hand, but maybe I’ll finish that soon.

Fixing Stability Issue In The Blog Server

The biggest fans of this blog (or just the people usually browsing between 6:00-7:00 UTC) may have noticed a frustrating issue where the site occasionally loads really slowly. Or in the worst-case scenario, refuses to load at all. Only an error page containing a message about a failing database connection gets returned.

Well, at least the message is short and to the point.

Investigating Issue

This issue started to occur sporadically in August and became consistent in October. And I started to consider fixing it in November. This kind of relaxed response time is common for hobby projects. The first obvious step to fix the issue was to check what was going on in the server when load times got longer. Once I noticed that the site was slowing down, I checked the monitoring stats. From the graphs, I saw that both CPU usage and disk reads were spiking. CPU was peaking at 80%, and disk reads were over 100MB/s for over 15 minutes. From the 7-day monitoring graph, it could be seen that this kind of spiking was happening almost daily.

Not every day though, and some spikes are taller than others.

Investigating the system log and comparing it with the time stamps of the peaks revealed the following cycle:

  1. One of the two daily apt package manager upgrade services gets started
  2. The CPU and disk activity starts ramping up
  3. The system starts heavy swapping and the website load times get longer
  4. About 15-20 minutes after the apt service starts the OOM (out-of-memory) killer kicks in and stops MySQL. Few other services may time out or get killed in this phase as well.
  5. MySQL restarts and the blog works again

I started investigating why the daily apt services seemed to constantly cause the server to run out of memory. The first of the two services downloaded the packages for upgrading, and the second one installed the downloaded upgrades. After trying out a few different things I realized that just installing or removing a package caused the server to randomly run out of memory if either of the apt services was started a few minutes earlier. It’s fun to do tests like this on a live server.

Fix Attempt 1: Installing System Upgrades

Some further investigation into the daily apt services revealed that the unattended upgrades had been failing for a long time. It seemed like the MySQL apt repository was missing keys, causing the apt update to fail. Also, it seemed like some upgrades required input from the user to configure packages. So I took a server backup and started installing the upgrades manually.

This isn’t foreshadowing. At least yet. Let’s see in three months.

Out of 141 packages, 127 wanted an update, which is “quite many” (to put it lightly). Fortunately, I have made no promises about the availability of this site, so I could liberally reboot the server as much as I needed for the upgrades. I was hoping that installing these pending upgrades would clear some cache that would reduce the RAM usage of the apt services. And in the worst-case scenario, it wouldn’t fix the issue but I would get an up-to-date server, so upgrading seemed like a win-win.

In addition to the upgrades I also installed an improved DigitalOcean monitoring service. This actually revealed something that should have been quite obvious from the beginning. The new monitoring service monitored RAM usage (the old one did not), and I could see that the server was using 90% of the RAM when it was idle. In hindsight, checking the RAM usage and monitoring how it gets consumed should have been the very first step when investigating an OOM issue.

Needless to say, 90% RAM usage is not good. I guess this happens because I’m running this blog on a low-end instance that doesn’t have much of RAM (I actually checked the minimum requirements of the OS, and the instance barely fills even that). However, before investigating the insufficient RAM, I wanted to first see if the upgrades would fix the original OOM issue. They did not.

So, the problem started to seem like a case of insufficient RAM. To fix this kind of issue, there are usually two options: scale the server up or scale the services down. In other words, throw money at the problem, or try to optimize the server. Being a cheapskate I chose the latter option. Also, I usually work with embedded things, so “just adding more RAM” feels like cheating. Also, considering the fact that on average I have about 20 daily visitors, beefing up the server seems like the wrong direction.

Fix Attempt 2: Optimizing RAM Usage

I used top to check the biggest memory consumers, and found two RAM gluttons: MySQL and Apache. Both are required for the well-being and existence of WordPress (that is the platform of this blog), but perhaps they could be optimized. At least they used to work on the server before, so perhaps they could be configured to work once again.

In the case of MySQL, there was a single mysqld daemon that was consuming plenty of RAM. Some googling revealed that disabling performance schema could help lower memory consumption. It seems to be a feature that measures the performance of the MySQL database server. Considering the fact that I’m using WordPress and I hope to write zero direct database queries to the database, that seemed nonmandatory. Perhaps when developing new software using MySQL such stats could be useful. Disabling performance schema lowered the mysqld RAM consumption from 39% to 19%.

In the case of Apache, there were ten worker threads, each consuming about 5%-8% of RAM. If my math is correct, in the last month I had about 0.00083 concurrent visitors on average. With that in mind, ten worker threads felt a bit excessive, and I scaled their amount down. I think it could be lowered even more, but I wanted to have enough workers in case there’s a sudden influx of readers.

Aaaany day now.


These actions took the idle RAM usage from 90% down to 60%. After this drop, I haven’t seen the OOM killer get activated in the past seven days, so I hope the issue is fixed. 60% is still a bit more than I’d like, but as long as the server stays stable and the performance doesn’t notably degrade I think that’s an acceptable percentage. Also, using the cheaper virtual machine saves me $6 a month!

The root cause for the increased RAM usage is still a bit of a mystery. I’m suspecting that installing WordPress plugins caused it because I was installing SEO plugins around the time the issue became more prevalent. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from this, it’s that updates should be checked manually every now and then, and consumption of the system resources should be constantly monitored.

Open-source contribution: chdir for BusyBox

Coming soon to the Linux box near you:

Hopefully this doesn’t age like milk

So yeah, I managed to get a commit into one of the open-source projects that I use on a daily basis: BusyBox. I guess many others use it too, either knowingly or unknowingly. BusyBox is a software suite providing plenty of Unix utilities in a minimized single executable. For example, when you’re using dmesg command you don’t necessarily know if the implementation comes from util-linux or BusyBox. But if you’re using OpenWRT, Alpine or Yocto you’re most likely using the BusyBox version.

The Problem

Because the BusyBox binary is minimized, the utilities it provides are often missing lesser-used features. As mentioned in the previous Aioli devblog, start-stop-daemon is for example missing -d/--chdir option present in the full Debian counterpart. As mentioned in that text, I wrote a patch to add that feature. What I didn’t really mention is that I submitted the patch to the BusyBox mailing list. I was hoping that it would get applied, and eventually it did!

start-stop-daemon is a program that’s commonly used in the SysVinit scripts to control the lifecycle of the system services. It doesn’t only start and stop daemons, it can also reload them, check their status and… well that’s primarily that. What --chdir option does is that it changes the working directory of the start-stop-daemon process before it launches the program it’s been assigned to start. This effectively changes the working directory of the process that will actually be started.

The Solution

The patch for this feature was quite straightforward. Mostly it consisted of adding a variable to hold the new working directory, inserting the new -d option to the opt list for the option parser, and editing the usage message. Then, if the new option flag was set, it was just a matter of calling the xchdir() in libbb (BusyBox’s library) to change the directory to the given directory (or die).

The less popular sequel to “Skate or Die” and “Ski or Die”.

In addition to this, I looked at how the tests for BusyBox work and wrote tests for the new flag. And cleaned up the TODO. In the end, the commit delta ended up being less than 60 lines. From what I’ve understood of the commit stats, the start-stop-daemon got bloated by about 79 bytes as a result. So the next time you’re updating BusyBox and curse the fact that it doesn’t fit into your root file system that has 67 bytes of free space remaining, you know who to blame.

All in all, getting the patch merged was an interesting process. I could definitely contribute more to BusyBox if there are suitable issues. Something perhaps a bit less simple the next time. But whether there will be more commits or not, it’s wild to think that my code could be running in Linux boxes around the world. Although, I guess that would require the device vendors to update their devices to run the new (still unreleased) version of BusyBox, so I guess it’s not happening too soon.

Yocto Hardening: Kernel and GCC Configuration

Find all of the Yocto hardening texts from here!

Would you like to make your Yocto image a tiny bit harder to hack ‘n’ crack? Of course you would. This time we’re going to be doing two things to improve its security: hardening the Linux kernel, and setting the hardening flags for GCC. The motivation for these is quite obvious. Kernel is the privileged core of the system, so it better be as hardened as possible. GCC compilation flags on the other hand affect almost every C and C++ binary and library that gets compiled into the system. As you may know, over the years we’ve gotten quite a few of them, so it’s a good idea to use any help the compiler can provide with hardening them.

On the other hand, who wouldn’t like to live a bit dangerously?

Kernel Configuration Hardening

Linux kernel is the heart of the operating system and environment. As one can guess, configuring the kernel incorrectly or enabling everything in the kernel “just in case” will in the best situation lead to suboptimal performance and/or size, and in the worst case, it’ll provide unnecessary attack surfaces. However, optimizing the configuration manually for size, speed, or safety is a massive undertaking. According to Linux from Scratch, there are almost 12,000 configuration switches in the kernel, so going through all of them isn’t really an option.

Fortunately, there are automatic kernel configuration checkers that can help guide the way. Alexander Popov’s Kernel Hardening Checker is one such tool, focusing on the safety of the kernel. It combines a few different security recommendations into one checker. The project’s README contains the list of recommendations it uses as the guideline for a safe configuration. The README also contains plenty of other useful information, like how to run the checker. Who would have guessed! For the sake of example, let’s go through the usage here as well.

Obtaining and Analyzing Kernel Hardening Information

The kernel-hardening-checker doesn’t actually only check the kernel configuration that defines the build time hardening, but it also checks the command line and sysctl parameters for boot-time and runtime hardening as well. Here’s how you can obtain the info for each of the checks:

  • Kernel configuration: in Yocto, you can usually find this from ${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}/.config, e.g. <build>/tmp/work-shared/<machine>/kernel-build-artifacts/.config
  • Command line parameters: run cat /proc/cmdline on the system to print the command line parameters
  • Sysctl parameters: run sysctl -a on the system to print the sysctl information

Once you’ve collected all the information you want to check, you can install and run the tool in a Python virtual environment like this:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install git+https://github.com/a13xp0p0v/kernel-hardening-checker
kernel-hardening-checker -c <path-to-config> -l <path-to-cmdline> -s <path-to-sysctl>

Note that you don’t have to perform all the checks if you don’t want to. The command will print out the report, most likely recommending plenty of fixes. Green text is better than red text. Note that not all of the recommendations necessarily apply to your system. However, at least disabling the unused features is usually a good idea because it reduces the attack surface and (possibly) optimizes the kernel.

To generate the config fragment that contains the recommended configuration, you can use the -g flag without the input files. As the README states, the configuration flags may have performance and/or size impacts on the kernel. This is listed as recommended reading about the performance impact.

GCC Hardening

Whether you like it or not, GCC is the default compiler in Yocto builds. Well, there exists meta-clang for building with clang, and as far as I know, the support is already in quite good shape, but that’s beside the point. Yocto has had hardening flags for GCC compilation for quite some time. To check these flags, you can run the following command:

bitbake <image-name> -e | grep ^SECURITY_CFLAGS=

How the security flags get applied to the actual build flags may vary between Yocto versions. In Kirkstone, SECURITY_CFLAGS gets added to TARGET_CC_ARCH variable, which gets set to HOST_CC_ARCH, which finally gets added to CC command. HOST_CC_ARCH gets also added to CXX and CPP commands, so SECURITY_CFLAGS apply also to C++ programs. bitbake -e is your friend when trying to figure out what gets set and where.

I don’t think any other meme can capture this feeling of madness

So, in addition to checking the SECURITY_CFLAGS, you most likely want to check the CC variable as well to see that the flags actually get added to the command that gets run:

# Note that the CC variable gets exported so grep is slightly different
bitbake <image-name> -e |grep "^export CC="

The flags are defined in security_flags.inc file in Poky (link goes to Kirkstone version of the file). It also shows how to make package-specific exceptions with pn-<package-name> override. The PIE (position-independent executables) flags are perhaps worth mentioning as they’re a bit special. The compiler is built to create position-independent executables by default (seen in GCCPIE variable), so PIE flags are empty and not part of the SECURITY_CFLAGS. Only if PIE flags are not wanted, they are explicitly disabled.

Extra Flags for GCC

Are the flags defined in security_flags.inc any good? Yes, they are, but they can also be expanded a bit. GCC will most likely get in early 2024 new -fhardened flag that sets some options not present in Yocto’s security flags:

-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 (or =2 for older glibcs) 
-fPIE -pie -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now
-fcf-protection=full (x86 GNU/Linux only)

Lines 2, 3, and 6 are not present in the Yocto flags. Those could be added using a SECURITY_CFLAGS:append in a suitable place if so desired. I had some trouble with the trivial-auto-var-init flag though, seems like it is introduced in GCC version 12.1 while Yocto Kirkstone is still using 11 series. Most of the aforementioned flags are explained quite well in this Red Hat article. Considering there’s plenty of overlap with the SECURITY_CFLAGS and -fhardened, it may be that in future versions of Poky the security flags will contain just -fhardened (assuming that the flag actually gets implemented).

All in all, assuming you have a fairly modern version of Yocto, this GCC hardening chapter consists mostly of just checking that you have the SECURITY_CFLAGS present in CC variable and adding a few flags. Note once again that using the hardening flags has its own performance hit, so if you are writing something really time- or resource-critical you need to find a suitable balance with the hardening and optimization levels.

In Closing

While this was quite a short text, and the GCC hardening chapter mostly consisted of two grep commands and silly memes, the Linux kernel hardening work is something that actually takes a long time to complete and verify. At least my simple check for core-image-minimal with systemd enabled resulted in 136 recommendation fails and 110 passes. Fixing it would most likely take quite a bit longer than writing this text. Perhaps not all of the issues need to be fixed but deciding what’s an actual issue and what isn’t takes its own time as well. So good luck with that, and until next time!

As a reminder, if you liked this text and/or found it useful, you can find the whole Yocto hardening series from here.

The Movember blog series continues with this text! As usual, after reading this text I ask you to do something good. Good is a bit subjective, so you most likely know what’s something good that you can do. I’m going to eat a hamburger, change ventilation filters, and donate a bit to charity.

Aioli Audiostreamer: Music To The People

Check out the previous part of the Aioli Audiostreamer saga here. In case you don’t want to check it out, here’s a quick recap: I started a new project in which the goal is to stream audio from one Raspberry Pi to another over an IP network. The last time we got the streaming to work in theory, but the practical part of it was (and is still) missing. This time we’re not going to to address that.

Instead of focusing on getting the streaming working robustly and automatically, I chose to add a Bluetooth connection between the Raspberry Pi controller device and an external audio source. This way the system can stream something else than just the audio files present in the controller device. Here’s the graph with a chunky red line showing what’s the focus for today:

Diagram showing the Aioli Audiostreamer system overview

Unfortunately, this means confronting my old nemesis: BlueZ stack. Or Bluetooth in general. Something about it rubs me the wrong way. I’m not sure if it’s actually that bad. However, every time my headphones fail to connect to my phone I curse the whole protocol to the ninth circle of hell. Which happens every single morning. And it’s still the best choice for this kind of project. But yeah, plenty of that coming up.

Picture of a robot pounding a "no fun allowed" sign to the ground

Bluetooth Connectivity

The first step is making our Raspberry Pi audio server advertise itself as a Bluetooth device wanting to receive audio: headphones, speakers, or anything along those lines. In theory, this sounds like a lot of work, but once again, the open-source community comes to the rescue. This bt-speaker project makes a Raspberry Pi act as a Bluetooth speaker, which is exactly what we want. The phone (or some other audio source) can connect to the bt-speaker daemon running on Raspberry Pi and stream audio to it. bt-speaker then outputs the received audio to the desired audio device.

The program required some tweaking for cross-compilation, and some things weren’t quite as generic as they could have been, causing some QA errors in Yocto. However, it mostly worked quite nicely out of the box. I guess because the bulk of the program is written in Python there are not that many compilation issues to wrestle with. There was also one codec that needed to be compiled, and then there was the issue of figuring out the correct dependencies, but all in all fairly simple stuff. Yocto recipe can be found here.

The Actual Troubles

What actually took a long time was getting the start-up script working. I’m still sticking to SysVinit for simplicity, which means that I ended up using start-stop-daemon to launch the program. However, it turned out Busybox’s implementation of start-stop-daemon was missing the -d/--chdir option. bt-speaker loads a codec from a relative path, meaning that the program fails at start-up because it’s launched from the root directory. Because I’m not much of a Python programmer, I chose to patch the feature into Busybox instead of doing the sensible thing and installing the codec into the correct location and fixing bt-speaker. An open-source contribution to Busybox coming soon I hope.

Well, after that came the second problem: the Bluetooth chip in Raspberry Pi wasn’t stable during the startup. The script starting BlueZ worked well, and the bt-speaker launched successfully as well. However, after a few seconds, the Bluetooth device became undiscoverable. I tried to check all the Bluetooth-related changes that happened during boot in the system: changes in the Bluetooth device information and BlueZ status, reading syslog & dmesg, but no. The Bluetooth chip just reset a few seconds after the BlueZ launched. So I did what any sane person would do: power cycled BT chip as a part of the start-up, added a “reasonable amount” of sleep, and moved on with my life.

The Less Actual Troubles

After getting the thing starting automatically during the boot there’s still a small problem. The problems never end with Bluetooth, don’t they? Well, even better, there are two problems. First, for some reason, my phone says that it has trouble connecting to this Frankensteinian BlueZ device. Streaming music from Spotify works nicely though, and even the volume control behaves as expected. So all in all, this sounds like a very typical Bluetooth device already: nothing works, except that it works, except when it doesn’t. I’m not yet sure if this is actually a problem or not to anyone else except my phone.

Screenshot from a mobile phone showing connection issue with BlueZ 5.66 device
I just wanted to flex my phone and watch with this screenshot. The ironic thing here is that if I “turn device off & back on” as suggested, it’ll be forever unable to connect again unless the BlueZ cache is cleared on Raspberry Pi. That may be the fault of dodgy Bluetooth code and not the protocol itself though.

The bigger issue is that we don’t want the audio to be output from the Raspberry Pi we’re connected to. Instead, we want to stream the audio to the other Raspberry Pis in LAN and have those output the audio. GStreamer has an alsasrc source that can take input from an ALSA device and work with that. However, we have a bit of a mismatch here: GStreamer wants an input device to receive the audio from (e.g. microphone), but bt-speaker generates audio that goes to an output device (e.g. speaker).

Loop Devices to the Rescue!

Loop device is a virtual audio device that redirects audio from a virtual output device to a corresponding virtual input device (or vice versa). This means that we can have a virtual “microphone” that outputs the audio that bt-speaker has been received through Bluetooth. Maybe my explanation just made it worse, the idea is quite simple. This blog post explains the functionality quite well.

To explain more: probing snd-aloop module creates two loopback sound cards, both for input and output (four cards in total). The virtual cards have two devices, and each device has eight subdevices. This results in a lot of devices being created. These devices are special because the output of an output device gets directed to the input of a corresponding input device. For example, if I play music with aplay to card 1, device 0, subdevice 0, the same music can be captured from the input card 1, device 1, subdevice 0. Notice how the device number is flipped. Output to input, and vice versa, as I’ve been repeating myself for two chapters now.

Meme saying "snd-aloop transforms input to an out and vice versa" in French
Google Translate don’t fail me now.

With this method, when bt-speaker uses aplay to output the audio it receives, we can define the output device to be a loopback device. Then, GStreamer can use the corresponding loopback input device to receive the Bluetooth audio and pass it to the LAN. A bit of patching to the bt-speaker, and something like this seems to do the trick:

# Play command that bt-speaker uses when it receives audio

aplay -D hw:2,0,1 -f cd -

# Streaming command to send audio to

gst-launch-1.0 alsasrc device=hw:2,1,1 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! rtpL24pay ! udpsink host= port=5001

Is This a Good Idea?

I’m not sure. I think it would be possible for the bt-speaker daemon to launch the GStreamer directly once the Bluetooth connection has been initialized. This approach would skip aplay altogether and wouldn’t require the loop devices. However, keeping the Bluetooth and networking separate should keep the system simpler. Both processes do their own thing without knowledge of each other. bt-speaker can output audio without caring if anyone listens to it. On the other end, GStreamer can stream whatever it happens to receive through the loopback device.

This also allows kicking the bt-speaker and GStreamer individually when they eventually and inevitably start misbehaving. The drawback is that GStreamer streams silence if nothing is received from Bluetooth, but I think that’s an acceptable weakness for now. After all, I’ve paid for a WLAN router to route some bits, so I’m going to route them bits, even if they’re all zeros.

I noticed that there actually is a BlueZ plugin for GStreamer. However, it’s labelled as one of the “bad” plugins, and dabbling with such dark magic sounds like a bad idea. If something is labelled “bad” even in the official documentation it’s usually better to avoid it. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the quality itself is bad as the label may also mean a lack of testing or maintenance, but still.

Movie poster of Bad Boys
TBH I don’t exactly know what WASAPI is, but after a quick Google search, I’m not sure I even want to know.

Closing Words

This text was a bit shorter than anticipated, but some things in life are unexpectedly short. Next time we’ll get rid of the static WLAN configuration. Instead, we’ll create a mechanism for passing the SSID and password during run-time. We’ll be doing that mostly because I already started working on that feature. Now I have DHCP servers running amok in my home LAN causing trouble and slowing down development.

One question still remains: does this system contain any code that I have written? Not really at the moment. But in my experience, that’s the story for most of the embedded Linux projects: find half a dozen somewhat working pieces of software and glue them together with some scripts. Until next time!

This blog text is a part of my Movember 2023 series. If you found this text useful, I’d ask you to do “something good”. That doesn’t necessarily mean shoving your money to charities or volunteering weekends away (although those are good ideas), it can be something as simple as asking a family member or colleague how they’re doing. Or it can mean selling your earthly possessions away and becoming a monk. It’s really up to you.

Yocto Hardening: Firewalls, Part 2: firewalld

Find all of the Yocto hardening texts from here!

People often ask me two things. The first question is “Why did you choose to write this firewall text in two parts?”. The answer to that is I actually started writing this over a year ago, the scope of the text swelled like crazy, and in the end, to get something published I chose to write the thing in two parts to have a better focus. The second question that I get asked is “Do you often have imaginary discussions with imaginary people in your head?”. To that, the answer is yes.

Comic about imaginary conversations
I prepare for daily stand-up by mentally going through conversations where I get deservedly fired because I didn’t close three tickets the previous day.

But without further ado, let’s continue where we left off in part 1. As promised, let’s take a look at another way of setting up and configuring a firewall: firewalld.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Configuring Kernel (Again)

To get the firewalld running we need a few more kernel configuration items enabled. How many? Well, I spent a few days trying to figure out the minimal possible configuration to run some simple firewalld commands, all without success. firewalld is not too helpful with its error messages, as it basically says “something is missing” without really specifying what that special something is.

Meme about Linux kernel modules
I’ve always liked Lionel’s ‘stash, but I feel like he’s looking extra fine in this pic.

After banging my head on a wall for a few days I attempted to enable every single Netfilter and nftables configuration item (because firewalld uses nftables), but no success. After some further searching, I found this blog post that contained a kernel configuration that had worked for the author of the blog. I combined that with my desperate efforts, and the resulting config actually worked! In the end, my full configuration fragment looked like this:

As you can see, my shotgun approach to configuration wasn’t 100% accurate because there were few NF and NFT configuration items I missed. Is everything here absolutely necessary? Most likely not. There actually are some warnings about unused config options for the Linux kernel version 5.15, but I’m afraid to touch the configuration at this point.

I spent some more time optimizing this and trying to make the “minimal config”, just to realize that I’m actually minimizing something that can’t be really minimized. The “minimal config” really depends on what your actual firewall configuration contains. After this realization, I decided that it’s better to have too much than too little, and found an inner peace. You can think that the fragment provides a starting point from which you can start to remove useless-sounding options if you feel like it.

While we’re still talking about the build side of things, remember to add the kernel-modules to your IMAGE_INSTALL as instructed in part 1. Or if you chose to go through the RRECOMMENDS route, remember to add all 36 modules to the dependencies.

Meme about saving disk space by removing kernel modules
To be fair, I’ve been in a situation where a few KBs of root file system content have made the difference between a success and a catastrophic failure.

The Hard Firewall – firewalld

Now that I’ve spent three chapters basically apologizing for my Linux config, it’s time to get to the actual firewall stuff. The “hard” way of setting up a firewall consists of setting up firewalld. This is in my opinion suitable if you have multiple interfaces with changing configurations, possibly edited by a human user, meaning that things change (and usually in a more complex direction).

firewalld is a firewall management tool designed for Linux distributions, providing a dynamic interface for network security (another sentence from ChatGPT, thank you AI overlords). Or to put it into more understandable words, it’s a front-end for nftables providing a D-Bus interface for configuring the firewall. The nice thing about firewalld is that it operates in zones & services, allowing different network interfaces to operate in different network zones with different available services, all of which can be edited run-time using D-Bus, creating mind-boggling, evolving, and Lovecraftian configurations. This is the nice thing, so you can imagine what the not-so-nice things are.

Now that we are somewhat aware of what we’re getting into, we can add firewalld to IMAGE_INSTALL:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " firewalld"

One thing worth noting is that firewalld is not part of the Poky repository, but it comes as a part of meta-openembedded. Most likely this is not a problem, because every project I’ve worked on has meta-openembedded, but it’s worth knowing nevertheless.

Now that everything is in place we can start hammering the firewalld to the desired shape. To edit the configuration we can use the firewall-cmd shipped with firewalld package. This firewall-cmd (among some other firewall-* tools) uses the D-Bus interface to command the firewalld, which in turn commands nftables, which finally sets the Netfilter in the kernel. This picture illustrates it all nicely:

Graph showing firewalld internal structure
The picture originates from here:

So, about the actual configuration process: each network interface can be assigned a zone, and the zones can enable a certain set of services. Here’s a short command reference for how to add a custom zone, add a custom service, add the new service to the new zone, and set the new zone to a network interface:

# List available zones
firewall-cmd --get-zones
# These zones are also listed in /usr/lib/firewalld/zones/
# and /etc/firewalld/zones/

# Get the default zone with the following command
# (This is usually public zone)
firewall-cmd --get-default-zone

# This'll return "no zone" if nothing is set,
# meaning that the default zone will be used
firewall-cmd --get-zone-of-interface=eth0

# Create a custom zone blocking everything
firewall-cmd --permanent --new-zone=test_zone
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=test_zone --set-target=DROP
# If permanent option is not used, changes will be lost on reload.
# This applies to pretty much all of the commands

# Reload the firewalld to make the new zone visible
firewall-cmd --reload

#List services, and add a custom service
firewall-cmd --list-services
firewall-cmd --permanent --new-service=my-custom-service
firewall-cmd --permanent --service=my-custom-service --add-port=22/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

# Add the service to the zone
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=test_zone --add-service=my-custom-service

# Set zone
firewall-cmd --zone=home --change-interface=eth0
# Add --permanent flag to make the change, well, permanent

You can (and should) check between the commands how the ports appear to the outside world using nmap to get a bit better grasp on how the different commands actually work. The changes are not always as immediate and intuitive as one would hope. Good rule of thumb is that if the settings survive --reload, they’re set up properly.

How does this all work with the file-based configuration and Yocto? You could create the zone and service files for your system using the firewall-cmd, install them during build time, and change the default zone in the configuration file /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf to have the rules active by default. This is similar to nftables approach, but is a bit easier to customize for example from a graphical user interface or scripts, and doesn’t require custom start-up scripts. An example of adding some zones and services, and a patch setting the default zone, can be found in the meta-firewall-examples repo created for this blog text.

Comparison and Closing Words

So, now we have two options for firewalling. Which one should be used? Well, I’d pick nftables, use it as long as possible, and move to firewalld if it would be required later on. This is suitable when the target is quite simple and lightweight, at least at the beginning of the lifespan of a device. On the other hand, if it’s already known from the get-go that the device is going to be a full-fledged configurable router, it’d be better to pick the firewalld right off the bat.

Meme about differences of nftables and firewalld

What about iptables and ufw then? Both have bitbake recipes and can definitely be installed, and I suppose they even work. iptables is a bit of a legacy software these days, so maybe avoid that one though. It should be possible to use iptables syntax with nftables backend if that’s what you want. ufw in Yocto uses iptables by default, but it should be possible to use nftables as the backend for ufw. So as usual with the open-source projects, everything is possible with a bit of effort. And as you can guess from the amount of weasel words in this chapter, I don’t really know these two that well, I just took a quick glance at their recipes.

Note that the strength of the firewall depends also on how protected the rulesets are. If the rules are in a plaintext file that everyone can write to, it’s safe to assume that everyone will do so at some point. So give a thought to who has the access and ability to edit the rules. Also, it may be worthwhile to consider some tampering detection for the rule files, but something like that is worth a text of its own.

In closing, I hope this helped you to set up your firewall. There are plenty of ways to set it up, this two-parter provides two options. It’s important to check with external tooling that the firewall actually works as it should and there are no unwanted surprises. Depending on the type of device you want to configure you can choose the simple way or the configurable way. I’d recommend sticking to the easy solutions if they’re possible. And finally, these are just my suggestions. I don’t claim to know anything, except that I know nothing, so you should check your system’s overall security with someone who’s an actual pro.

Yocto Hardening: Firewalls, Part 1: nftables

Find all of the Yocto hardening texts from here!

The eternal task of making the Yocto Linux build an impenetrable fortress continues. Next, we’ll look into setting up a firewall two different ways: the easy way with nftables, and in the part two the easily configurable way with firewalld. I must warn you beforehand that this text contains a bit of resentment towards kernel configuration. I also used ChatGPT as a tool for writing a part of this text, but I’ll inform you of the section I asked it to write.

So yeah, firewall. The system keeping the barbarians out of our Linux empire. Also, one of the most bad-ass names for a program, at least if taken literally. Reality is a bit less exciting, turns out “firewall” is some technical construction term. In the magical world of computers, a firewall is a piece of software used to allow or deny network traffic coming in and out of a machine. It’s mighty useful for improving the overall security of the system to be able to prevent unwanted remote connections and such.

Step 0 – Configuring Kernel

The first step of installing and configuring a firewall on a Yocto image is ensuring that the kernel is configured correctly. What, do you think you can just start configuring the firewall and blocking your nefarious enemies just like that? Pfft, get out with that casual attitude (please don’t).

To get some basic traffic filtering with nftables done, we need to ensure that the Netfilter is enabled in the kernel, as well as the Netfilter support for nftables, and that some nftables modules are installed as well. It’s all a bit confusing, but to summarize: Netfilter is the kernel framework for packet filtering and nftables is the front-end for Netfilter that can be used from user space. nftables can then be built with or without modules to extend its functionality. The following kernel configuration fragment should do the trick:

Getting this config fragment working was where things got problematic for me. I thought that I’d just slap =y to everything and be done with it, no need to install and load modules. Well, the configuration process of the kernel consists of merging the defconfig, kernel features, and configuration fragments, and as it turns out, the kernel feature enabling the Netfilter overrode some parts of my config fragment, changing =y to =m. For some reason bitbake didn’t give a warning about this. I’m quite sure it used to do.

But where is this mythical Netfilter kernel feature located? The fragment above enables only nftables related things, how to get the Netfilter working? Well, Kirkstone release (3.1.27) of Poky has this line that enables the feature by default in the kernel, and the related configuration fragment looks like this. The multiple configs lead to funny situations where you try to remember the difference between CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK and CONFIG_NFT_CT and where they are defined and to what value.

Ensure that you’re also installing the kernel modules to the image by adding the following line somewhere in the image configuration:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " kernel-modules"

No use enabling the modules if they’re not installed, and by default nothing installs them, so they won’t get added to the final image. At least to the qemu64 core-image-minimal image they won’t be installed by default, guess if I found that out the hard way as well. If you need more fine-grained control over the modules that get installed, you can add them as a runtime recommendation to some package:

RRECOMMENDS:${PN} += "kernel-module-nf-tables kernel-module-nf-conntrack kernel-module-nft-ct ...

Most likely nftables package is the best place for this. However, I’d advise against this approach if possible, because there will be a lot of modules later on. If you choose to go down this route, the naming format of the modules is fortunately quite self-explanatory. CONFIG_NF_TABLES being built as a module generates kernel-module-nf-tables package, CONFIG_NFT_CT results in kernel-module-nft-ct being built etc, so this should be easily scriptable (although painful to maintain).

The Easy Firewall – nftables

The easy way of getting some firewalling done involves installing nftables, adding some rules to it, and loading them as a part of the start-up. This is suitable if you have a few interfaces with a simple configuration that doesn’t change often, preferably ever.

The actual first step of getting the firewall up and running is adding the nftables package to the image if you don’t have it already installed. This can be easily checked by running nft command. If it fails, add the package to the image configuration:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " nftables"

If you see the following types of errors when running the nft command it means that your kernel configuration is missing either nftables support (the first error) or some nftables module (the second error):

root@qemux86-64:~# nft
../../nftables-1.0.2/src/mnl.c:60: Unable to initialize Netlink socket: Protocol not supported
root@qemux86-64:~# nft -f /tmp/test.conf
/tmp/test2:32:9-16: Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory
        ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop } 

Quite often the firewall in Yocto is empty by default. The active rules of the firewall can be checked by running nft list ruleset command to print the current ruleset. If nothing is output, no rules are present. If something gets output, there are some rules present. Here’s a short reference of commands on how to set some basic rules and list them on the command line.

# List ruleset
nft list ruleset

# Add a table named filter for IP traffic 
nft add table inet filter

# Add an input chain that drops traffic by default
nft add chain inet filter input \{ type filter hook input priority 0 \; policy drop \}

# Add rule to allow traffic to port 22
nft add rule inet filter input tcp dport \{ 22 \} accept

# List tables and rules in a table
nft list tables
nft list table inet firewall

In addition to listing the tables and rulesets from inside the device, you should also try a black-box approach. Running nmap command against your device is a good way to check how the outside world sees your device. In this example, I have added the Dropbear SSH server to the image. Because the server is listening on port 22 and there are no rules defined in the firewall, the port is seen as open:

esa@ubuntu:~$ nmap
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-07-22 16:14 UTC
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0024s latency).
Not shown: 999 closed ports
22/tcp open  ssh
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.06 seconds

The command line commands are useful for editing the configuration run-time, but for the rest of the text we’re going to focus on a file-based configuration that is set during the Yocto build. The configurations presented here are mostly based on “a simple ruleset for a server” in nftables wiki. It contains some useful extra things not presented here, like a rule for the loopback interface, differentiating between ipv4 and ipv6 traffic and logging, and I recommend checking it out.

Usually, a good way to start creating a firewall ruleset is to block everything by default, and then start poking holes as needed. To block everything, you can write a configuration file with the following content:

flush ruleset

table inet firewall {
    chain inbound {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;

    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop;

This config creates one rule table named firewall for inet traffic. The table contains three chains: inbound, forward and output. You can load the ruleset with nft -f <config_file> command. Once you’ve blocked all traffic, you can give the nmap command another go. As you can see, blocking is really effective. nmap actually considers the device to be non-existent at this point:

esa@ubuntu:~$ nmap
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-07-22 16:18 UTC
Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn
Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.03 seconds

Trying to ping from the device itself to the outside world also fails because the output is blocked. In theory, allowing outgoing traffic is not the worst idea, usually many sample configurations actually allow it. But if you know the traffic that’s going to go out and the ports that will be used there’s in my opinion no sense allowing all of the unnecessary traffic. That’s just an attitude that will lead to botnets. But if you want/need to allow all outgoing traffic, you can just drop the output chain from the config. By default everything will be accepted.

After nothing goes in or out, it’s time to start allowing some traffic. For example, if you want to allow SSH traffic from the barbarians to port 22 (generally a Bad Idea, but for the sake of an example), you can use the following ruleset:

flush ruleset

table inet firewall {
    chain inbound {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;

        # Allow SSH on port TCP/22 for IPv4 and IPv6.
        tcp dport { 22 } accept

    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop;

        # Allow established and related traffic
        ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop } 

If you want to define multiple allowed destination ports, separate them using commas, like { 22, 80, 443 }. If you choose not to block outgoing connections, you obviously don’t need the output chain presented here.

On the other hand, if there’s a process in the Yocto image that wants to contact the outside world, you could consider adding a ruleset like below:

flush ruleset

table inet firewall {
    chain inbound {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;

        # Allow established and related traffic
        ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop } 

    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop;

        # You can check the ephemeral port range of kernel 
        # from /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
        tcp sport 32768-60999 accept

Note how we need to use a port range for the output. Outgoing connections usually use a port from an ephemeral range for their connection, meaning that you may not know beforehand the exact port that needs to be allowed. Having fixed ports for outgoing traffic makes the device more susceptible to port scanning and prevents multiple connections from the same service because the port is already used, but if you choose to create a service that uses a static source port, you can use a single port number in the rule.

You can combine the rules in the chains as required by your system and services. If you want to enable the ping command (for ipv4), you can add the following piece of configuration to the input chain (note that this is just a single line of configuration, not a full config):

icmp type echo-request limit rate 5/second accept

In the end, creating the firewall ruleset is fairly simple: block everything and allow only necessary things. The difficulty really comes from keeping the rules up-to-date when something changes. However, when developing an embedded device with Yocto you generally should have a well-defined list of allowed ports & traffic (as opposed to a general-purpose computer used by a living human where all sorts of traffic and configs may come and go at the user’s whim). If that’s not the case, the part 2 where we work with firewalld may be useful to you.

So, now we know how to write the perfect configuration file. But how to add this to a Yocto build? You can create a bbappend file for nftables into your own meta-layer. This append then installs the configuration file, because nftables does not install any configuration by default. An example of how to add a configuration to nftables can be found in meta-firewall-examples repository I made for this blog post.

You should also note that nftables package doesn’t contain any mechanism to activate the rules during the start-up. Therefore you should append the nftables recipe so that it adds an init.d script or a service file that activates the rules from the configuration file before the networking is started. You can find an example of this as well from the same meta-firewall-examples repository.

Note that if you do run-time edits to the configuration with nft command, the changes will be lost when the device is reset. To ensure that the changes are kept, you can run the following command to overwrite the default config with the new, enhanced configuration:

nft list ruleset > /path/to/your/configuration-file

And one more thing: if you face some No such file or directory issues when trying more exotic configurations you are most likely missing some kernel configurations. In part 2, we’ll be enabling pretty much every feature of the Netfilter, so that’ll (most likely) be helpful. On that cliffhanger, we eagerly await the next chapter in this ever-evolving journey of discovery and innovation (I asked Chat-GPT to write that sentence).